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Поздравления на www.daridobro.ru. Получатель поздравления: Jenna

Sorry, I ran out of credit https://territorioabierto.jesuitas.cl/2011-2/ cardura online Because the PO-2s were flimsy and flew near the ground, they could often pass undetected by radar. The pilots’ tactic was to fly to within a certain distance of the target, and cut their engines. They would then glide in silently, release their bombs, then restart their engines and fly home. The Germans called them the “Nachthexen” (the Night Witches) due to the whooshing sound they made — “like a witch’s broomstick in the night’’ — as they flew past. There was, supposedly, a promise to award an Iron Cross to any Luftwaffe pilot who actually managed to bring down a Night Witch.
Автор пожелания: Jenna 30.10.2018

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